History of Smartwatch: When Was the First Smartwatch Invented?

When Was the First Smartwatch Invented

Smartwatches we wear today have a fascinating backstory. But have you ever thought about When was the first smartwatch invented? A visionary idea combined technology with everyday wearables to start the smartwatch journey.  The first smartwatch marked a major milestone in the development of personal electronics from its simple origins. In this article, we will … Read more

What is Go Back Time in a Smartwatch & How to Use It

what is Go Back time in a smartwatch

Designers specifically customize smartwatches for our dynamic lifestyles. ‘Go Back Time’ is one of the most innovative functionalities this device has. This function is so convenient that if you turn off your smartwatch after performing any task, you will just continue from where you were. Therefore, your experience is uninterrupted hence there is no need … Read more

Are Smartwatches Safe? Benefits and Risks Discussed

are smartwatches safe to wear

By human nature, whenever a new technology hits the market, everyone creates a checklist to judge its durability, features, compatibility, and more, regardless of whether the product belongs to the tech industry. So, the factor we’ll be discussing in this blog post, chosen from that particular checklist for smartwatches, is: “Are smartwatches safe?” Check real … Read more